Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk State University was founded in 1880, currently is a separate structural unit of Tbilisi State University, located on 126 hectares, with the original greenhouse, greenhouse complex of 6500 m² and unique to the northern regions of the planet's plant foundations in 7000 species, forms and varieties . Director of the Botanical Garden c April 2008 is a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor TP Astafurova. The staff of the botanical garden includes researchers working in 9 laboratories. Among them 3 doctors and 11 candidates of sciences.
In the Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk State University created unique to the northern regions of the planet's plant assets: more than 7,000 species, forms and varieties, including 2,500 tropical and subtropical, ornamental tree and shrub open ground - 796, ornamental grasses - 1200 drugs - 535 fruits -yagodnyh - 235 feed - 514, vegetables - 421 rare and endangered flora of the Tomsk Region - 551 views and vidoobrazets.
The number of employees amounts to 85 people, in the garden occupied 46 specialists with higher education, including 3 doctors and 11 candidates of sciences.
The results of research staff Garden published in 27 monographs, more than 2020 articles in various collections, national and international journals, including the "Bulletin of the Siberian Botanical Garden", manuals, textbooks. It received about 20 patents. Every 4 years published Index Seminum.
In 2001 - the creative team SibBS TSU (director and creator of the main exposure of plants Moryakina VA) awarded the Russian Federation Government in the field of science and technology for the "Create a unique northern latitudes of the planet's botanical complex based on landscape-ecological approach to the introduction of plants in order to preserve the world's biodiversity, and optimize the environment in Siberia. "
In 2011, employees SibBS:
Astafurova Tatiana was awarded the Diploma of 1 degree with the award of a gold medal for winning the competition of innovative projects and scientific and technological developments;
Akinina Alena Alexandrovna won diploma of the winner (in the category: Biotechnology) at the "UMNIK" - Skolkovets "and the diploma of the winner (in the category: Biological and Medical Technologies).
Development of Larisa and Tatyana Nikolayevna Zibareva Bonner Kharina
"The production of ecdysteroids and ecdysteroid - containing plant raw material" according to the results of the international jury of the competition program was awarded a gold medal at the 22th International Exhibition of Inventions and New Technologies - ITEX'11, held 20 - 22 May, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur):
Botanical Garden
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Поделиться12015-08-18 08:20:49
Поделиться22015-08-18 08:22:12
In 1875, the Office of the Chief of Western Siberia of the management of civilian institutions Tomsk governor received instructions on selecting a location for the construction of the Siberian University and the need places for university botanical garden. In the summer of 1880 V. Florina and gardener MA Shestakov was laid out area south of the main university building,
The first scheme is the botanical garden, made in 1875, VM Florina
scheduled areas under greenhouses, nurseries and other buildings.
By the beginning of 1886 the garden was located on an area of 1.7 hectares, has a greenhouse area of about 400 m² height of 4 meters. May 12, 1885 from the University of Kazan arrived in Tomsk PN Krylov appointed scientists gardener Siberian university, they were taken to 60 species of plants, most of them short-lived flower crops. So far, survived five 130-135-year-old copies of the most valuable species: Bunya Pine, palm Hove Forster, ficus ivy and others.
The first leaders of the garden were the professors: SI Korzhinskii (1888-1892), EG Salishchev (1893), VV Sapozhnikov (1893-1924), PN Krylov (1924-1928):
Поделиться32015-08-18 08:23:12
The basis of scientific research in botanical gardens are collections of plants, so the first priority was and is their creation. In the first 70-80 years of life, the garden activity researchers focused on the study of fruit, vegetables and ornamental plants, diversity of varieties which at that time numbered more than 1,000.
Professor VP Chekhov, director of the garden with the 1929-1937 year. Geneticists in the period of which was made possible the creation and expansion of exposures for different purposes, thanks to the selection on the southeastern outskirts of the city of Tomsk in the additional area 67.4 hectares and education pilot area (1933-1935). During the war, researchers were actively involved in the work on the extremely scarce herbs (belladonna, zheltushnik, valerian, mint, foxglove, etc.). Medicinal raw material of these species was transferred to pharmacies on pharmaceuticals plant, and made drugs - to treat the wounded. At the initiative of the deputy director for scientific work SibBS AG Goncharova was actively used vegetable raw materials for food (dandelion, burdock, etc.). During the war, carried out studies on food plants and provides assistance to the population in buying seedlings.
NV Butt - d.b.n, director of the Botanical Garden 1949-1967 year. He invented the device and the method of determining the strength of the growth of the seed plants. It was his idea of growing tropical and subtropical plants in greenhouses not kadochnoy culture, and in the soil, which stimulates the growth of plants:
Поделиться42015-08-18 08:24:43
Professor VA Moryakina director of the Siberian Botanical Garden from 1969 to April 2008, a talented scientist - introducer, did a lot for the development of the garden, in particular, has made approval of the structure of the garden from 9 scientific laboratories. According to her initiative and direct participation, as the author of the architectural and planning tasks have been carried out major reconstruction of the greenhouse, greenhouse complex (1971-1973; 1985-1988 years)
In the years 1960-1970 began active development of new "introduction and experimental territory" botanical garden area of 116 hectares, situated on the former wasteland south-eastern part of Tomsk. There were established exposure of fruit, vegetables, medicines, fodder, ornamental, rare and endangered flora of the Tomsk region plants, ornamental tree and shrub species of the world's flora, including arboretums, "Siberia", "Asia", " Europe ". In 1969, the garden was created by the Academic Council in 1982 SibBS TSU was equated with the organization of the Research Institute of scientific laboratories. At the next level are derived from research involving phytochemicals, cytogenetics, biotechnology and others. Methods. First was built the first major tropical greenhouse height of 15 m, then a unique subtropical complex comprising one of the world's highest greenhouse (31m). Since 2006, work began on replacing the glass greenhouses on contemporary material polikarbonat.V 2001 - TSU SibBS creative team (director and creator of the main exposure of plants Moryakina VA) awarded the Russian Federation Government in the field of science and technology for the "Establishment unique to the northern latitudes of the planet botanical complex based on landscape-ecological approach to the introduction of plants in order to preserve the world's biodiversity, and optimize the environment in Siberia. "
Since April 2008, the director of the TSU is a professor SibBS d.b.n ETC. Astafurova.V currently Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk State University - is the largest botanical research institution located on 126 hectares with a unique greenhouse, greenhouse complex in 6500 m2.
Created unique to the northern regions of the planet vegetable Funds: more than 6,000 species, forms and varieties, of which 1800 tropical and subtropical, ornamental tree and shrub open ground - 796, ornamental grasses - 1200 drugs - 535 fruit - 235, feed - 514, vegetables - 421 rare and endangered flora of the Tomsk Region - 551 views and vidoobrazets.
The number of employees is 85 people. In the garden occupied 46 specialists with higher education, including 2 doctors and 11 candidates of science:
Поделиться52015-08-18 08:25:44
The main scientific directions of the SibBS:
- The introduction of beneficial species of natural and cultural flora of the planet (ornamental, medicinal, fodder, vegetables, fruit and other plants) with scientific developments in the field of biotechnology, genetics, biochemistry of plants;
- Decorative dendrology and landscape architecture;
- The preservation of the gene pool of rare plants of world flora, study of the state of natural populations of rare and endangered plant species of the Tomsk region.
The consequence of high performance introduktcionnyh research was that SibBS was the founder of several branches of plant growing in the forest zone of Western Siberia: green building, fruit horticulture, medicinal crop production, with the establishment of phyto full ranges of 700 species, forms and varieties of new plants for the region.
SibBS TSU was the first in the Asian part of Russia developer of introduction dendrological experiments with intense involvement of species of many genera of plants from different floristic regions of the northern hemisphere (about 800 species and forms). Established principles of landscape architecture landscape construction in Siberia. Methodical bases of forecasting winter hardiness of exotic species, identified ecological and geographical areas of the planet, to attract promising exotic species, sustainability in the region.
Designed assortment model introduced trees and shrubs, species composition which meets all the technological demands of green building and provides the possibility of establishing a Tom-Ob region of green space of any type and element.
Based on years of research has developed a range of adapted to the conditions in the region of fruit plants: apple, currants, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, honeysuckle and others. In recent years, attracted to the study of non-traditional crops - blackberries, viburnum, mountain ash, and others. The effect of growth regulators on the regenerative capacity of these crops at vegetative propagation. For example, species of the genus Amaranthus studied the variability of morphological and physiological parameters in the ontogenesis.
Based on years of introduction of research and eco-geographical analysis of tropical and subtropical plants identified the main centers of attraction of introduction of material for "Siberian tropics and subtropics."
In the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Seed micropropagation techniques perfected many species of rare tropical orchid: Phalaenopsis pleasant, f. a hybrid of different varieties and others. Developed technology of seed breeding orchids in vitro, including dendrobium falenopsisovidnogo, Cuttle average Vanda tricolor.
Introductory test in the soil and climatic conditions of the Tomsk region the possibility of successful cultivation of a number of species of medicinal plants that contain different groups of biologically active substances. Identified for further cultivating the most productive specimens scientifically proved effective methods of cultivation of the established tribal complexes identified species of scientific interest for further in-depth studies and using them as a substitute for rare limited resource base of medicinal officinal plants.
A method for predicting the presence of seeds of certain groups of biologically active substances, in particular phytoecdysteroids (RF patent), the accuracy of which is confirmed by radioimmunoassay at Exeter University (England); Testing of some ecdysteroid plants on different types of specific activity, allocated 26 individual compounds, including 7 new phytoecdysteroids, the structures of which are installed with the help of modern physico-chemical methods, using instrumentation universities in Europe (England, France) within the framework of international cooperation Grant INTAS.
Scientific bases of introduction of ornamental grass species and varieties of plants. The features of the structure of seeds, summarizes the results of years of research on the variability of species and varieties, identified factors that are critical to their growth, selected varieties with high pollen fertility, developed a method of accelerated breeding, including in vitro, studied especially ontogeny, identified the species composition of insects -opyliteley. Formed gene pool of species and varieties of valuable immunomodulator Echinacea, including 4 species and 25 samples .. Using cytogenetic techniques selected species and varieties of Phlox, Heuchera, Sedum for breeding research. Sound scientific principles of selection range for different models of landscape design in the forest zone of Western Siberia. The research results incorporated into landscaping the Tomsk region and regions (more than 300 species and varieties of ornamental perennials).
Of particular importance in research on the conservation of biodiversity species including various reserves of both local and regional importance.
Create a variety of rare plants exposition of Tomsk region: Forest relics - about 50 species, forest-steppe relict and endemic species - about 100 species, exposure intraspecific chromosome forms a bow Slizunov - 5 tsitotipov, Solomon's seal and the low dosage - 3 tsitotipa. In general, it cultivated 33 rare species of Tomsk region (Tomsk Oblast Red Book, 2002). In protected park SibBS held 20-year-old scientific experiment for the reintroduction of 30 endangered species. Conduct regular monitoring since 1980 the state of populations of rare species in the Red part of a specially protected natural areas (PAs) of the Tomsk region: 37 species in 2008 with the participation of OSU "Oblkompriroda" Tomsk region:
Поделиться62015-08-18 08:26:31
TSU endowment fund announced a public collection to replenish the endowment for the preservation and development of the Siberian Botanical Garden
A meeting of the Board of Trustees Endowment Fund program TSU. The report on the work done by its director Anne Lozhnikova told that the Foundation has successfully completed the first phase of the endowment, and received the right to hold shares of the target fundraising for specific projects. According to the legislation the activities of endowment funds is transparent funds are spent for the intended purpose is strictly open publication of the report.
Director of the Siberian Botanical Garden Tatiana Astafurova spoke about the current state of the greenhouse, greenhouse complex and emerging problems. Despite the fact that the university is investing heavily in the development and maintenance of the Botanical Garden - they are often not enough. It should be borne in mind that the Siberian Botanical Garden is not only an educational complex of the University, but also a business card of the city - over the years, thousands of Tomsk citizens and guests come here on excursions.
Board of Trustees supported the initiative of the Directorate endowment fund to start a public fundraising. The name of each, regardless of the value of the contribution will go down in the history of the Siberian Botanical Garden - the center of science, education and enlightenment.
Major sponsors will be able to enter the board of trustees and to establish the project name: greenhouses and pavilions, the exhibition of flowers, sightseeing tours, plant collections.
For more information about the plans of development of the Siberian Botanical Garden and possible projects!
For those wishing to take part in the campaign in favor of the Botanical Garden:
Поделиться72015-08-18 08:27:34
Botanical Garden announces the competition "Green Pearl - the heart of the TSU." Reception works extended to September 1, 2015! The contest is timed to the 135th anniversary of the garden and passed on the following nominations:
1. Nomination "Figure"
The competition is open to works made in any technique and devoted to Siberian Botanical Garden.
The works must be accompanied by a concise summary containing the author's name and contact details, as well as be given title. Depending on the age of the authors of all the works are divided into three groups (0 to 6 years, 7 to 13 years and 14 and older). The winners are determined by the expert commission in each category. On the results of the contest and the award ceremony will be announced later.
2. Nomination "Poem"
The competition is open to works devoted to the Siberian Botanical Garden. Works available in electronic format (.doc, .docx, .docm) marked konkurs_stihotvorenie. The total amount of work no more than two pages. Font Times New Roman 14, spacing 1, fields: left - 3.5, right, top and bottom - 2.
The works must be accompanied by a concise summary containing the author's name and contact details, as well as be given title. Depending on the age of the authors of all the works are divided into two groups (from 7 to 13 years and 14 and older). The winners are determined by the expert commission in each category. On the results of the contest and the award ceremony will be reported in detail.
3. Nomination "Essay"
The competition is open to works devoted to the Siberian Botanical Garden (its history, sightseeing visits, etc.). Works available in electronic format (.doc, .docx, .docm) marked konkurs_esse. The total amount of work no more than four pages. Font Times New Roman 12, spacing 1, fields: left - 3.5, right, top and bottom - 2.
The works must be accompanied by a concise summary containing the author's name and contact details. And as the title. Depending on the age of the authors of all the works are divided into two groups (from 7 to 13 years and 14 and older). The winners are determined by the expert commission in each category. On the results of the contest and the award ceremony will be reported in detail.
4. Nomination "Photo"
The competition is open to works devoted to the Siberian Botanical Garden. Works are available only in printed form.
The works must be accompanied by a concise summary containing the author's name and contact information, title, as well as the category labeled "enthusiasts" or "Professionals". The winners will be determined in each category by the expert commission. Participation of the author in two categories at the same time is not permissible.
Read more:
Поделиться82015-08-18 08:29:00
May 6, 2014 in the Siberian Botanical Garden of TSU held the "Night at the Museum".
The visitors had the unique opportunity to visit the botanical garden greenhouses night and listen to themed tours of the mysterious world of the tropics and subtropics. Tourists listen to legends and myths about the plants. After all, in the world there is no country in which there are no myths, fairy tales or legends about plants. The atmosphere of the night shadows possessed a good mood.
Young visitors took part in the contest "Flower stencils" and just having fun.
Everyone could take part in a master class on creating moss graffiti logo Botanical Garden, and then were able to try herbal teas.
You can see photo:
Поделиться92015-08-18 08:29:57
In November, 2013. the Laboratory of Seed and Biotechnology SibBS under the leadership of the head. laboratory Ph.D., Senior Researcher Stepanjuk GY and junior researcher Hotskovoy LV passed training on "micropropagation of ornamental plants" senior lecturer in biotechnology Pavlodar State University. S.Toraygyrov (Kazakhstan) Dzhaksybaeva Gulnara G.. The aim of the internship is the development of methods of seed breeding and in vitro micropropagation of ornamental plants as an example of orchids. During the internship Dzhaksybaeva GG well acquainted with the collection funds of tropical and subtropical orchids SibBS, mastered the technique of artificial pollination of flowers of orchids and preparation of modified culture media Murashige - Skoog and Knudson required for plant propagation in vitro:
Поделиться102015-08-18 08:33:28
May 7, 2015 GV Siberian Botanical Garden of TSU were awarded winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian geography quiz "anecdotally about the Crimea."
Quiz was held in the framework of the departmental target program "Gifted children". Ogbu is organized by "Regional Centre for Educational Development" in conjunction with the Municipal Resource Center for gifted and highly motivated children "Siberian owlet" based MBOU "Zonalnenskaya secondary school." The quiz was attended by students of educational institutions of Tomsk, Seversk and regions of Tomsk region.
Congratulations to the winners !!!
You can read more: